2023-11-30 18:10조회수
“Integrated Sensing and Communications(ISAC)”
To satisfy the versatile business applications and extreme performance requirements of the future sixth-generation (6G), the ITU has identified Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) as a representative application scenario for 6G in its published framework recommendation. ISAC possesses the capability to provide wide-area multi-dimensional sensing to acquire spatial information about unknown objects, connected devices, and the surrounding environment. This scenario will pave the way for pioneering innovative applications such as automation, safe driving, digital twins, and integration with artificial intelligence, enhancing the perception of the physical environment. ISAC fosters a seamless convergence of communication and perception symbiotically manner, exploiting coexistence design and dynamic spectrum allocation/access as well as interference suppression or management strategies to achieve a co-design of the communication and perception systems. Indeed, ISAC, compared to a single perception and communication function, is able to reduce hardware and signaling costs while improving both energy and spectral efficiency. In addition, ISAC pursues a deeper integration paradigm where communication and perception complement each other for mutual benefit.
This roll-out of ISAC paradigm raises numerous new challenges and opportunities. Although it has attracted tremendous attention from both academia and industry, there are still many open questions to be explored. The aim of this special issue is to collect information on the major technical challenges, recent breakthroughs, and novel applications related to ISAC and multifunctional networks.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
ü Information theoretic limits towards ISAC
ü Network architecture/transport protocol/framework design for ISAC
ü Spectrum analysis and management for ISAC
ü Full-duplex/interference management techniques for ISAC
ü Precoding/waveform/modulation/
ü Security and privacy issues towards ISAC
ü Machine learning/artificial intelligence/edge computing/data mining for ISAC
ü Next-generation MIMO, e.g., Reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS)/holographic MIMO surfaces for ISAC
ü Millimetre wave/terahertz technologies towards ISAC
ü System-level simulation, hardware prototyping and field testing of ISAC systems
ü Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) enabled ISAC
ü ISAC for 6G Vehicle to everything (V2X) networks
ü ISAC standardization progress
ü ISAC for Multiple access
Guidelines according to the IEEE/KICS JCNGuidelines:https://www.jcn.
Important Dates:
Manuscript Submission Deadline: 30 April 2024
Initial Decision Notification: 30 June 2024
Revised Manuscript Due: 30 July 2024
Final Decision Notification: 30 August 2024
Final Manuscript Due: 15September 2024
Publication Date: October/ November 2024
Guest Editors:
De Mi, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom. Email: de.mi@bcu.ac.uk,
Zhengyu Zhu, Zhengzhou University,China. Email: zhuzhengyu6@gmail.com,
Fan Liu, Southern University of Science and Technology, China . Email: liuf6@sustech.edu.cn,
Zesong Fei, Beijing Institute of Technology,China. Email: feizesong@bit.edu.cn,
Bo Ai, BeijingJiaotong University,China. Email: boai@bjtu.edu.cn,
Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, University of New South Wales,Australia. Email: w.k.ng@unsw.edu.au,
Yajun Zhao, ZTE Corporation,China. Email: zhao.yajun1@zte.com.cn,
JCN is a high-quality bimonthly archival journal, published by the Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences with the technical co-sponsorship of the IEEE Communications Society, covering the fields of Communication Theory and Systems, Wireless Communications, and Networks and Services. JCN began publication in March 1999.